Terrain/geohazard and slope stability assessments, including interpretation of LiDAR, satellite imagery and aerial photography.
Pipeline integrity support: rapid response geotechnical services for landslides, erosion and flooding.
Geotechnical risk assessment of existing and proposed pipelines.
Field scouting of proposed pipeline rights-of-way and identification of access routes.
Route selection for new pipeline rights-of-way and other linear corridor developments in areas of landslide-prone terrain and steep slopes.
Pipeline river crossing site and methodology selection.
Geotechnical investigations for directionally drilled trenchless (HDD) and conventional open cut pipeline river and creek crossings.
Geotechnical design of erosion protection and sediment control structures, as well as other in‑stream infrastructure developments.
Geohazard identification and route refinement for proposed LNG pipeline routes in mountainous terrain across parts of northern BC, with a focus on landslide prone areas and potential river crossings for large diameter pipelines.
Meetings and technical discussions with regulatory agencies.